USATF Athletes Advisory Committee Member Database
Please fill in the information below to be added to the USATF AAC database so that we can effectively communicate with you now and in the future.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Event Group (check all that apply) *
Are you an active or inactive athlete? *
Are you a current USATF member? *
Most recent USATF Championship you competed in, if any:
What do you do "off the track?" Job, school, startup business, hobbies, volunteer work, etc.
Thank you!
Click Submit below to be added to our AAC member database. Once we receive your submission, we will invite you to the USATF AAC Slack Team. Slack is an app for your phone and/or computer that allows teams to communicate. This is how we communicate with our members, in addition to email. You will receive an email invitation to download the app and create an account to join our team.
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