People's State of the City 2018 - Outreach Volunteer Sign-up

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Long Beach Rising to reach out to community members about the upcoming People's State of the City 2018! Community outreach is an important tool for us to engage the community and bring our neighbors together.

To volunteer with outreach before the March 1st event, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions related to outreach, please email Andrew at
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Full Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address   *
Correo electrónico
Are you a member of the Long Beach Time Exchange? *
Es miembro del Long Beach Time Exchange?
Please indicate which days you are interested in door-knocking.  Please note that if it rains on a door-knocking day, we will be phone-banking instead.
Por favor indique que dias esta interesado en tocar puertas.  Por favor sepa que si llueve uno de estos dias, embes de caminar, haremos llamadas telefonicas.
Please indicate which days you are interested in phone-banking:
Por favor indique que dias esta interesado en hacer llamadas telefonicas:
Do you have a vehicle?
Tiene un vehiculo?
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Have you done any door-knocking before? There is no prior experience needed and training will be provided.
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What language/s do you speak?
Que idiomas habla?
The event will be on March 1st. Would you like to volunteer that day and sign up for a 1, 2 or more hrs shift anytime between 3-9pm? El evento sera el 1 de marzo. Te gustaria ser voluntario durante un turno de 1, 2 o mas horas, entre las 3-9pm?
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How did you find out about this opportunity? Como supiste sobre esta oportunidad?
Anything else you would like to share? Te gustaria compartir algo mas?
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