Winnebago Catch A Ride
WCAR is a community transportation program for moderate to severe, low-income employees of Winnebago County to be assisted with their transportation needs when getting a ride to and from work. WCAR is meant to fill in the gaps in community transportation services, and if applicable will be referred to in the application process if an applicant is already using or does not meet this program's eligibility.
Riders will need to submit this application in full and also return the completed wage verification form and schedule a phone interview after the application with Lutheran Social Services Transportation Coordinator for acceptance into the WCAR program. 

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Legal First Name *
Legal Last Name *
Phone Number to contact you to schedule rides. *
Secondary Phone Number ( If Available)
Email Address *
Home Address (street, City, State, Zip) *
Place of employment provide Name, Street, City, State, Zip *
Typically, what days of the week do you need transportation to work? *
What time do you typically need to arrive at work *
What time do you typically need to leave work?
Do you have a form of card payment? (Credit, debit, prepaid card, etc.)?  Our program only accepts card payments. *
If you would like to provide any additional information, please do so here.  In particular, if you are filling out this form on behalf of someone else, please indicate your name or organization, or if you have been in contact with a member of our team already and they have assisted you with the completion of this form, please also indicate here.  
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