Sara's Cooking Class Questionnaire
Ciao! Thanks so much for booking a cooking class with me. I like to customize these lessons not only based on seasonal ingredients, but also for your unique tastes! Please answer a few questions to help me plan the best experience for you.
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Which dates work best for your cooking class? *
Would you like to book a lunch or dinner class? *
Which type of menu would you like to learn to cook? Unless you prefer a different menu structure, we'll always make one fresh pasta dish, a dessert, and either an appetizer or a main course. If you're interested in something totally different (for example, three different pasta dishes instead of three separate courses), please specify in "other!" *
Do you have any dietary restrictions or strong food likes/dislikes? *
Are you able to climb a few flights of stairs to my fifth-floor apartment? Sorry, my traditional Florentine building does not have an elevator, but I promise the views and refreshing drink at the end of the climb are worth it!  *
Tell me a bit about you and the person/people you'll be taking the class with. Do you cook a little, a lot? Have you been to Italy before? What are you most hoping to get out of this experience?
What are your preferences on alcoholic beverages? Check all that apply to you.
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