MMS Spirit Rock Rental Form
The MMS Spirit Rock is a fun and creative way to send a message for all to see! Congratulate your favorite Student of the Month, wish a student a Happy Birthday, show appreciation to your favorite teacher or staff member.  Rent the Spirit Rock for only $12 for a week (Saturday to Friday).  Submit the Rental Form below and a member of the MMS PTSO Team will contact you to confirm your reservation and provide payment details.
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Email *
Renter Name
Student Name
Date Submitted
Week Requested
Phone Number
Message/Images to appear on Spirit Rock
Please Select Payment Method
Guidelines for Spirit Rock Rental
1.  Weekly Rental, Saturday to Friday, requires $12.00       cash or check made out to MMS PTSO.  The Spirit Rock is not reserved until full payment is received.
2.  Rental is on a first come first serve basis.  Please allow 7 days for processing.
3.  You will be notified via email when your request is approved.
4.  Renter provides all paint and supplies needed.
5.  Please cover prior message before painting, exterior latex paint is recommended.
6.  Keep areas around the Spirit Rock clean and neat while painting.
7.  MMS reserves the right to remove/cover any "inappropriate" markings or messages.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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