Teacher Survey
The Huron Valley MLK Day (HV MLK Day) Committee, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit who bases its mission on promoting Dr. King’s vision of peace, equality, and justice, is honoring its 20th anniversary in 2025.

As part of our 20 year celebration we plan to support student literacy by assisting teachers, particularly in underfunded school districts, in creating and/or bolstering their classroom libraries. 

If you are interested in participating we welcome you to complete the following survey. We will then reach-out to you within 30-60 days to finalize your book wish list.

Thank you.

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Email *
What is your name? *
Would you tell us who referred you to submit to the HV MLK Day Children's Book Mission? (This will help with feedback info.) *
What is the name of your school?
In which school district do you work?
What grade or grades do you teach?
Tell us about your students - just a sentence or two. *
Approximately how many books would you like donated?  You can give us a range like "30-40" or you can request "as many as possible."
Are you willing to share a wish list of titles for us to promote on your behalf?
If your classroom/school is selected, would you prefer: *
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