The Shaman's Way
In order for your application to be considered, please answer all of the following questions as honestly as possible. We will review your application and be in touch shortly.
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Email *
Full Name *
Contact Number *
Postal Address *
What calls you to The Shaman's Way? *
What are you looking for from the course? *
How would you describe your inner life? *
What would you consider your strengths in life? *
What areas in your life could be improved upon? *
How committed are you to making improvements in your life? *
Not committed
Fully committed
How would your best friend describe you? *
What are you passionate about? *
What are you currently creating in the world? *
What can you bring to the program and to the others taking part? *
How will you pay what you've learned forward once the course is complete? *
Are you willing to commit to the time investment required to get the most out of the program? *
Not committed
Fully committed
What other similar programs are you currently enrolled in or have undertaken in the past? *
Do you currently teach in the health/wellness space? *
If you answered yes above, please provide details. *
Please add anything else relevant to your application. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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