I want access to the Reverse Field Trip lesson plans from Oak Heritage Conservancy
Hello Educators! Thanks for want to bring nature to your classroom. The curriculum is free for everyone. We have the curriculum available on a Google Drive, so it's easy for you to access 24/7 and easy for us to update based on teachers' feedback. Once you fill out this little form, we'll add you to the Google Drive so you can access the lesson plans and teacher resources.

Reverse Field Trips help teachers bring nature to the classroom. Even if you’re not a science buff or nature nerd, these lessons will help you feel confident engaging your students in hands-on, STEAM lessons. These lessons:

Include hands-on STEAM activities to engage your students
Are based on nationally recognized lesson plans, and tailored to fit nature in Indiana.
Have been vetted by 3rd-5th grade teachers (and improved based on their input!).
Highlight the flora and fauna of southeast Indiana (and could be used in most places in Indiana)
Meet Indiana standards for reading, math, science, and social studies.
Follow a 5E model – they’re designed to help students ask questions with rigor, follow their curiosity, and explore with hands-on learning.
Fit a theme – 3rd grade - Pollinators; 4th grader - Birds; 5th grade – Creeks, Rivers, and Wetlands

Reverse Field Trips are brought to you by Oak Heritage Conservancy, a nonprofit that protects special places in southeast Indiana and connects people with nature. This project is possible because of support from the Rising Sun Regional Foundation.

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