Ideal-ist Proposal Check Event 2018 Application
August 2018 Digital Security Calls
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Paris (FR) or remote, 24 July 2018
Full proposal check events offer  a chance to improve the quality of project proposals based on feedback from experienced external experts and national contact points (NCPs). These events aim to transfer useful knowledge and increase proposers' chances for funding.

You can participate either on-site, in Paris, or remotely through skype.

Following your registration, you will be contacted by phone for a short interview, after which you will receive your attendance confirmation and further details on how to submit your proposal.

Please fill out the form below.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Select an event you want to participate in: *
Choose one option.If you choose travelling to Paris, please bring 4 printed copies of your proposal for a presential session with experts and NCPs.
About your Proposal
The Proposal Check event is open to proposals targeting topics with an August 2018 deadline in the H2020-SU-ICT-2018-2020 and H2020-SU-DS-2018-2019-2020 calls.
Topic: *
Type of Action: *
Acronym of your proposal: *
Title of your proposal: *
Objectives of your proposal: *
Proposal outline: *
(max. 1 page)
About the Coordinating Institution
Name of the Coordinating Institution: *
Type of Institution: *
(eg. university, research organisation, large industry, SME, etc.)
Country: *
Full Address of the Coordinating Institution: *
Website URL of the Coordinating Institution: *
About the Coordinator (person)
Name of the Coordinator: *
Coordinator e-mail address: *
Phone Number: *
Skype ID:
(required if requesting online proposal check session)
EU Framework Programme Experience
Has the coordinating institution ever participated in an EU IST/ICT Project before? *
Has the coordinating institution ever coordinated an EU IST/ICT Project before? *
Proposal Check Event Participant(s)
Will the coordinating person attend the proposal check event? *
Will a representative of the coordinating institution attend the proposal check event? *
Will a representative from another partner institution attend the proposal check event? *
Please list persons (max. 2), who plan to attend the proposal check event, and the organisation(s) they represent.
Proposal Preparation
Do you expect to have a good first proposal draft ready for the Proposal Check Event? *
Are you in contact with your ICT National Contact Point (NCP) while preparing your proposal? *
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