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An exclusive online emporium of all things naughty but nice. Do it sensually or sinfully, sexily or seductively - just as long as you do it seriously. Bondage Toys and Bondage Gear to get you wherever that mood takes you...we're here to make it happen with a bit of style and at surprisingly great value...

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Bondage Toys
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Bondage Paddles
Fetish Clothing
Floggers and Whips
Bondage Gags
Nipple Play
Feathers and Ticklers
Bound Nubuck Bondage collection
Fifty Shades of Grey Bondage collection

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Bondage Toys UK
Blindfolds in UK
Bondage Paddles in UK
Fetishwear in UK
Whips in UK
Handcuffs in UK
Feathers and Ticklers in UK
Bondage toys, whatever you fetish, kink or desire.
With bondage becoming more recognised in the mainstream thanks to the likes of Fifty Shades of Grey, its popularity is becoming more widespread, and SeriouslySensual is here to provide everything you need for some naughty fun and games. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you'll find a little something or two here that will spice things up in the bedroom.

To define bondage simply, it would be the act of restricting the movement of your sexual partner. There are many ways to do this, with many people having tried basic attempts to tie one another up and tease each other. However its goes in various different levels and stages, from basic for beginners to something more intense for the experts.
Introduction to Bondage
Handcuffs tend to be the introduction most people get into the world of bondage, and applying a mask to cover your sight can heighten other senses to make the experiences that more enhanced. One person will be restrained on the bottom, with the person in control being on top. You can add other aspects of bondage to proceeding, such as spankers and ticklers.

There are many aspects of bondage that people find arousing. From being in control or conversely, being submissive, to enjoying the sensations of being whipped or teased. It also builds trust, as you have to completely put your trust in the hands of your partner as they will be in total control. You can also dress up in a variety of kinky bondage gear to make the experience that bit sexier. Many people enjoy experimenting, and bondage is one great way of doing this.

Beginners bondage is relatively tame, and many people will have tried it without actually realising its bondage that they are taking part in. Tying one person up is a simple way to begin, whether its handcuffs or rope, there are plenty of ways to achieve restraint. Your partner is then in charge of exciting and pleasuring you. A paddle for spanking is an example of something quite strong to use, or maybe a little lighter, you could try using a feather tickler.

For those who want to take their bondage experiences to the next level, there are plenty of options out there to increase your experience. Bondage kits are often more popular for these types, as you can get better restraints and toys to help increase the passion. Ankle and wrist restraints are ways to up the restraint games, and you could try introducing something a little more experimental to pleasure your partner, such as a paddle for spanking.

Expert levels are incredibly in depth, and should be done by those with a lot of experience in bondage. They are all about control, from positions to techniques one person will be leading the way, with the other being totally submissive. Mouth gags can be common here, making one partner completely submissive to the whims of their partner. Tying up can become far more complex than simple restraints, and the whole session is not over until the active partner decides.
Bondage Toys: Which is the one for you?
Bondage toys can be easily spilt into sections depending on their purposes. Floggers, Ticklers and Paddles – These are ways in which you can tease or punish your partner. Spankings and whippings are common practices in bondage, and many people get incredible levels of arousal from both performing these and receiving them. Experiment to find out what you and your partner may enjoy using these exciting types of toys.

Restraining someone then teasing them with a tickler for example is a popular method of bondage. Should you blindfold them in the process it can seriously heighten the sense and overall experiences. These toys can be used in role play too, or during sex to really intensify the experience and get a rush like nothing else. Whether you want to increase the sensitivity using toys or create a more dominant role these are the right choices for you.

Restraints, Cuffs and Ties – Tie up and tease are regularly performed using fully handcuffs, rope or soft silky scarves or ties. There are many different approaches to use when tying up your partner. You could be in total control, deciding how and when the intercourse will begin, controlling their movements or simply wanting to tie them up until they climax

Pain can also be a part of certain forms of bondage, with many people getting aroused by the sensations it creates, along with a dominating partner performing it. Nipple clamps or clips are prime examples of sensitive areas that can be stimulated through bondage toys.
How to choose the perfect bondage toy
Fetish and Bondage Clothing – As you may have guessed, there is a particular style of clothing that many season bondage users like to wear. These tend to be leather or rubber styled items, and ones that are teasing or incredibly erotic looking. It tends to set the mood, for example if the female wants to dominate and tease her male partner, she may want to wear something very arousing to the man.

You can also find great clothing to help in the submissive role. Head masks are perfect examples of this, which allows the entire face to be covered, giving total control to the dominant partner. Some clothing is purely meant to accentuate you curves and make you feel sexier, as o really set the mood for a night of passionate bondage.

Fetish clothing includes sexy PVC and latex outfits, along with the likes of fetish masks, uniforms for roleplaying and the likes of catsuits and corsets. These can come in a variety of styles and materials, it all really depends what materials you like the touch and sensation of, along with what is the biggest turn o for your partner.

Wet look, figure hugging clothing tends to be very popular. It could be underwear for the female to highlight the curves of her body, or shorts and pants for the male.  It can also work well to restrict movement in some cases, which is all part of the fun of bondage.

Leather is also a common material used, and really sets the scene for dominating and being submissive. Thigh high boots are popular footwear for fans of bondage, and coming in leather makes them look that bit more appropriate for the fun and games ahead. Many of these garments are adorned with sexy metal studs too, which really helps to set the mood.
Bondage Gags in UK
Bondage Sets in UK
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1 Gorse Cottages, Cross In Hand
Heathfield, East Sussex
TN21 0SL
Phone: 0207 205 2252
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