iLEAD Online Course Feedback
Please answer honestly-your evaluation is anonymous
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General Questions
Title of Course *
Name of Facilitator (teacher) *
On a scale of 1-10, rate how helpful was your initial orientation course? 10= Most Helpful, 1= Least Helpful Did it help you start and be successful in the course? *
Least Helpful
Most Helpful
Does the facilitator return emails and communication within a timely manner (24-48 hours)? *
Does the facilitor provide useful feedback (e.g., comments on written work and exams, informal feedback inside/outside of class)? *
Does the facilitator return assignments/exams in a timely fashion? *
Does facilitator help clarify assignments and course content? *
Does the facilitator post office hours and/or available for face to face or virtual meetings and help *
Did you attend a live office hours/tutoring? *
How engaging is the course content?
iLEAD Online seeks to provide courses that offer relevant curriculum that engages learners in real-world connection and engagement. What activities in this course have helped you connect your learning to the real world and other subjects?
What did you like most about your course(s)?
What, if anything, could the facilitator do to improve the class?
Brightspace/Technology Evaluation
Please answer honestly about the technology used for this course
Rate the following *
Most of the Time
Neutral/I Don't Know
Brightspace was easy to use and understand
Announcements are helpful
The course homepage has the instructor's contact information and office hours posted
I received technical help when I needed it
I used the gradebook and feedback from my facilitator to improve
What did you like about using Brightspace the most?
What did you like about using Brightspace the least?
What suggestions for improvement would you make about Brightspace and/or the technology used in the course?
Would you take another online course with us? Why or Why Not?
Any other feedback you would like to give?
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