Free 2 Play Survey
This is a survey among mobile game developers. Our goal is to figure out how you approach free to play game design, what are the main tricks and pains related to it. We will share the results of the survey with the respondents and also the studios will be mentioned as contributors in the summary paper.

It takes around 15 minutes to complete the survey, please bare with us, your input here is very important for the whole games community. Thank you for your contribution!
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A few data points on your studio so we can compare the data better.
Any references to your studio by name will only be made with prior consent.
What is the name of your studio? *
Contact email
Which country are you from? *
How many people are in your team? *
What is your F2P experience? *
What was the main reason you chose F2P as a business model? *
Stories/lessons learned / tips on selecting F2P as your business model
How do you analyse the suitability of an IDEA for a F2P game? *
Which features do you want to present in the 1st prototype (MVP)?
How early do you PLAYTEST the prototypes outside your team? *
Within the team
Close friends and family
Small focus groups (‹20) on the spot
Invite only testing online
1st prototype
Alpha version
Beta version
When in the process do you start building the monetisation system? *
Who contributes ideas about monetization for a new game? *
Stories/ lessons learned / tips on the idea and prototyping phases
We are asking open questions about a number of commonly knows F2P features and practices. In case you are not using the specific feature, just answer n/a in that field.
What is the most important feature of F2P for you? *
How do you approach a TUTORIAL? *
Which SOCIAL FEATURES do you use? *
What kinds of items do you sell in your game? *
What is your highest price IAP item and how much is it? *
What is your lowest price IAP item and how much is it? *
What price is the item that generates the most revenue for your game?
Check which of the following you use in your game economies: *
If you use ads, do you hide them from users who buy IAP items (a hybrid model)? *
If you hold special events, do you hold them to generate additional IAP income? *
Are monetization opportunities an integral part of your game design? *
Tips on how you have increased RETENTION?
Which analytics platform are you currently using? *
What Key Performance Indicators are most important to you? *
What are the events you are tracking in your game analytics? *
Which traffic attribution platform do you use?
Clear selection
Stories/ lessons learned on integrating analytics?
Do you make soft launches? *
How do you choose the countries for a soft launch?
How many users do you need for analytics to be meaningful? *
How many games do you cancel in different stages of development? *
20% or less
21% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% or more
Idea stage
Prototype stage
Soft launch stage
Stories/ lessons learned on data gathered during soft launch vs real launch?
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