Travel Tryout Registration for Fall 2023 and Spring 2024
Parents, please review the following before your child participates in tryouts for the Manheim Soccer Club:

Travel Soccer is a competitive and not all players who tryout will make a travel team.  Parents/guardians are welcome to sit in the stands or along the sidelines until tryouts are over but should remain quiet. There are additional costs for travel team players including uniforms, tournament fees, and, possibly, training fees.

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Player's First Name *
Player's Last Name *
Gender *
Birth Year (born in...) *
Address (Street or PO Box) *
City *
State *
Zip *
Cell Phone *
Home Phone (if you have one)
Email Address *
School Attending *
My child has my permission to participate in the Manheim Area Soccer Club Travel Tryout.  I, the player, and we, the parents, individually and collectively, intending to be legally bound, hereby for ourselves and our heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release the Manheim Area Soccer Club, and its agents and representatives, from any and all claims or rights to damages for injuries or losses suffered by me, the player, directly or indirectly, in training for, or travelling to and from, or competing in, our while attending the Manheim Area Soccer Club Travel Team Tryouts.  I consent for medical treatment for my child in the event of an emergency. *
Parent or Guardian First and Last Name *
Today's Date *
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