Market on Main | 2025 Vendor Application
Market on Main will be on Main Street in Westville on June 7th  from 10-3. Set up will begin at 7:30 am the day of.  Please fill in all answers.  NOTE- This is an Artisan + Vintage Market and ALL PRODUCTS MUST BE HANDCRAFTED, UPCYCLED OR VINTAGE.  This is also a juried market, we will let you know within 2 weeks if you have been accepted.  If accepted you will receive an invoice through the email address you provided.  The invoice is due upon receipt and your booth will not be held until the invoice is paid.  Vendors must be set up and ready to sell by 9:45. Vendors are responsible for collecting their own sales tax. Vendors must provide their own tent, sufficient weights, and all other supplies needed for set up.   Vendors must keep their area clean and in good order at all times. Additionally, all supplies (ie-tent, tables, product, etc) must be contained within booth space purchased. All vendor property must remain fully intact until the event has officially ended. Taking down your booth prior to the official closing time of the event is not permitted. All Vendor equipment must be dismantled and removed from the grounds at the conclusion of the event.  Only one business per booth will be permitted. This is an outdoor market and a tent is required.  **THERE WILL NOT BE ACCESS TO ELECTRICITY**
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