Member Showcase Submission

    Interested in sharing your work at the 2024 Annual Member Meeting? Submit a proposal for the Total Worker Health® in Practice Member Showcase! 

    How does it work?

    We will hold short talks to showcase Total Worker Health (TWH) in practice. You can present for up to 5 minutes (but no longer) on your work (e.g. case studies, new solutions, research ideas, industry projects, big questions). Use your 5 minutes to showcase your work, how you got to where you are, and what you envision for the field in the future. You can use photos, website demo, slides (no more than 10), song and dance – whatever it takes to explain your main point in 5 minutes. Get creative!

    The showcase will then prompt a variety of group discussions.

    Why 5 minutes or less?

    This short talk model is gaining traction at conferences all over the nation. It only demands the audience’s attention for a short period of time, decreasing the chance of minds wandering or endless daydreaming. This allows the speaker to focus on the most salient features of a project.

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Name  *
Email Address *
Affiliation/Organization Name *
Job Title *
Brief description of your topic (2-4 sentences)
Two or three takeaway points
WIll you be available to present live on Zoom on October 31, 2024 during the Annual Member Meeting? *
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