How many students and/or teachers will be reached through this project? *
Your answer
With which GEF Mission does your project best align? (choose all that apply) *
Please provide a brief description of your project. *
Your answer
Please explain the goal of your project in relation to the GEF Mission category/categories you selected above. *
Your answer
Please provide a detailed list of what will be purchased or paid for with this funding (line item expenses). *
Your answer
Please provide a brief description of how you would publicize a grant from GEF. *
Your answer
Anticipated Start Date *
Anticipated End Date *
I certify that my building administrator is aware of and in support of my application and that no other school funding is available for this project. *
I have read the Grant guidelines for GEF Mini-Grants prior to submitting this application and understand the types of projects for which funding is available. *
I understand that if my project is funded I am required to submit a grant report within one month of the end of the project. *