Safebook for Youth Workers - Training course
“Safebook for Youth Workers” project aims at promotion of safety culture among young people through newly developed manual “Safebook” for youth work in the field of youth safety. The manual was produced through Strategic partnership in the field of youth in 2021 by the applicant Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) together with Beyond Borders – Italy, Impress – Croatia and SPPMD – North Macedonia and recommended as a good practice project.
“Safebook” manual includes new and innovative methodologies and creative tools in the form of youth friendly manual for youth workers. Newly developed manual focuses on 5 segments of youth safety: peer violence, cyber bullying, abuse of psychoactive substances, discrimination and mental health in time of COVID–19. Training course will bring together young people (youth workers, educators, activists) from 9 European countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia and Spain to adopt new methodologies regarding above-mentioned safety segments and to explore concept photo and concept video as methods in youth work in youth safety related project.

Beyond Borders ETS FB page:
Beyond Borders Instagram: @beyondbordersitaly
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Personal data protection info: With the information you provided we will use it with respect and according to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) only for the purposes of " Safebook for Youth Workers” project. Data from the application are accessible to the coordinator team of the project and applications will be shared with partner organisation's coordinators in order to make the selection of applicants. Only applications from a given country will be shared with a given organisation (I.e. Serbian applications will be shared to Serbian organisation, etc.) In next question we will ask you to give us permission to keep your data - without this we are not able to process your application for the project nor to give you the opportunity to join this amazing learning opportunity.
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