Plantation Primary School - Leave Of Absence Request Form
Please note that a request for leave of absence MUST be made at least a minimum of six
weeks before the date applied for.

The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 restrict a headteacher’s powers to grant such term-time absences, allowing them only to do so in exceptional circumstances.

The decision to allow absence in exceptional circumstances rests with the school’s headteacher and it is at their discretion how many days of absence is appropriate or possible in the circumstances.

If you have any questions about this form or your leave of absence request please contact our school office team on 0151 487 5678. A paper version of this form is available at the school office.

All the information you provide on this form is protected under GDPR & the Data Protection Act .

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Pupil’s full name *
Date of Birth: *
Year Group *
Class / Teacher: *
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