Locus: Social Media & Social Media Analysis
We are seeking proposals of up to 250 words for 7 minute presentations to facilitate an interdisciplinary conversation on these topics. We are particularly interested in presentations that engage with one or more of the following issues:

- What forms of social media analyses are particularly interesting or successful?
- What does a “successful” analysis look like? How do we know?
- What are we missing when we analyze social media? Whose voices are missing?
- What are some of the critical gaps in social media analysis, and how might we ameliorate them?
- What might ethics of social media analysis look like? What lessons have we learned from previous and current failures?
- What about non-English language platforms and analysis? What are the areas of opportunity? What analyses or - methodologies have been particularly useful, and what might others emulate?

We are especially interested in works in progress relating to research, teaching, or any other type of work that wrestles with the challenges of access in the digital environment. Proposals from students (undergraduate and graduate), faculty, and staff are all encouraged equally.

Submit a proposal by Tuesday, November 28

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Please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words below. *
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