Please describe your sexual orientation (e.g gay, lesbian, queer, heterosexual, etc.)
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What is your zip code?
Your answer
Have you ever used Peer Support Spaces resources?
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What opportunities for growth do you see for PSS's current resources?
Your answer
Have you had challenges finding mental health support & resources?
Your answer
Do you feel like the same communities get repeatedly left behind when it comes to having accessible, quality mental health services?
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If yes, which communities do you feel lack access?
Your answer
Do you feel ashamed at times for having your own mental health challenges?
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In what ways do you think mental health is stigmatized?
Your answer
Do you feel like our mental health system has more of a focus on crisis care than prevention and sustainability?
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The following question is for internal use as we recommend resources for one another. Do you feel comfortable anonymously naming any community providers (therapists, organizations etc.) that you either strongly recommend or strongly don't recommend? Why?
Your answer
Have you ever been involuntarily hospitalized + how was that experience?
Your answer
In what ways do you practice self-care?
Your answer
What Community Gatherings/Activities do you wish PSS had?
Your answer
What kind of mental health advocacy initiatives would you like to see Peer Support Space cover?
Your answer
What else would you like to share with us about PSS? Do you have any additional comments?
Your answer
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