Senator Shelley Mayer Storm Recovery Survey
In anticipation of furthering our initiatives on storm recovery and seeking additional funding for storm and flooding resiliency in the budget in the aftermath of Storm Ida, we have created a survey regarding storm damage, losses, reimbursement, and out-of-pocket expenditures.  Your answers to this survey will assist us in determining what more can and should be done on the federal, state, county, and local level to assist residents in recovering and building back better from storms such as these. Thank you in advance for taking the time to respond.
Email *
Which Westchester village/town/city do you live in? *
Did you or members of your household incur property damage or loss as a result of Storm Ida? *
If you answered yes to the above, what was the dollar amount of property damage or loss incurred? (Please Include estimated cost of repair or replacement, and cost of temporary housing, car rental or other post-storm-related expenses you would not otherwise have incurred.) *
Were your losses covered, in whole or in part, by any of the below? Please check all that apply. *
If you answered "Other" to the question above, please describe below how your losses or any part of your losses were covered, if not by insurance, FEMA or SBA.
What is the estimated percentage of your loss/expense that remains uncovered? *
What is the estimated dollar amount of your uncovered loss/expense? *
Do you anticipate incurring additional expenses to make your home or property more resilient in the event of future storms? If so, please provide an estimated dollar amount for the cost of that work. *
At present there is very limited, if any, opportunity for buyouts of homes that have suffered major damage due to Ida.  However, if such a program were available, would you be interested in participating? *
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