The Ladies Community is quickly expanding internationally and we are always looking for amazing boss babes to join our team and help us to expand! If you are driven, a great problem solver & big thinker, have a solid personal growth practice & looking to make a real difference in the lives of women all over the world... we want to hear from you! Should you be a fit, TLC will contact you when a position becomes available.
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Have you ever attended a TLC event in your city?
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Why do you want to be involved with TLC?
What specific skills are you looking to bring to the TLC team?
What TLC team are you interested in becoming a part of?
Why would you be a good addition to the TLC organization?
What is your current self development practice?
What is your greatest passion?
What 3 words would your friends use to describe you?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What is something you are currently working to improve in your life? Professionally & Personally?
If you could give the members of TLC one message, what would it be?
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