Kenny Volunteer Interest Sign-up
There are so many ways to get involved with the Kenny Neighborhood Association!  Please consider volunteering to make Kenny a better place. You’ll strengthen our community, and even make some new friends!

Your voice matters and we hope you'll consider getting involved!

The KNA broadly defines community so please know you're welcome, whether you live, work, play or visit in the neighborhood.

Please contact us with questions at
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Relationship to Kenny (please check all that apply) *
How would you like to get involved with the neighborhood? Please check all that apply: *
Committee E-Lists
This is a great way to stay in the loop and always get meeting notifications for Kenny Committees and the Board.
Please add me to the e-list of the following groups:
Questions or Concerns?
We can also have a current neighborhood volunteer reach out to connect with you individually to answer questions, hear concerns or help in any way. Please check the box below to let us know if you'd like this.
I'd like an KNA volunteer to reach out and connect with me....
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