Mill Bay Townhomes Rental Pre-Application
This is a pre-qualifying application for Mill Bay Townhomes in Kodiak, AK. Successful applicants will be invited to fill out a full application. Once the full application is submitted back to Northstar Property Management, applicants must be prepared to help collect third party verifications. The application process takes at least two weeks. 
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What to Expect
  1. Thank you for your interest in our communities!
  2. A Leasing agent will review your application. Based solely on the information you provide to us, the Leasing Agent will: (a) attempt to contact you by telephone and schedule an appointment to review your application with you and request any needed verification/documents, OR: (b) notify you via mail that the information you provided indicates you are not qualified for the property/program you requested
  3. Complete applications (including all additional documentation requested by Leasing Agent) will be processed by Northstar Property Management on a first come-first served basis.
  4. After we review your completed application and any requested screening reports or references, if you are approved to rent an apartment at one of our communities you will be contacted by the Property Manager to schedule a move-in date. You will be expected to pay your first month's rent (prorated) and security deposit at move-in. The Leasing Agent will be able to tell you how much the deposit will be. 
  5. If you are not eligible for rental approval, you will be notified by mail and will be provided the reasons for our denial. If you, or anyone in your household, is subject to sex offender registration requirements in any state, your application will be denied.
Screening Guidelines
How did you hear about this property?
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Do you have a disability?
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Do you have a Housing Voucher?
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Are you homeless?
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Did you receive a PFD this year?
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Are you a Honorably Discharged Military Veteran (Includes Widows or Widowers)
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