IVF Medication Costs
This form collects basic information on medication costs to help others find lower cost alternatives.

Some medications have equivalents.  For example, Gonal-F and Follistim are considered interchangeable.  Cetrotide and Ganirelix are interchangeable.  Confirm with your doctor or pharmacist before interchanging.
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Medication *
IU, syringes, vials, tablets, etc.  For example: 10ml vial, 100mg tablet.  IUs are a standardized unit, If you are using IUs (common for gonal-F, menopur, etc) then your unit should be a single IU, not multiple.  See the cost per units description for the math.
How many of the units.  For example: 300 IU, 1 10mL vial, or 25 100mg tablets
Cost per Unit
Take the total cost and divide it by the quantity of units to get a cost per unit.  For example: if you ordered four 300IU pens, you'd have a total of 1200IU units.  If the cost was $500 then the cost per unit would be ($500 / 1200IU) 0.42 per unit (IU).  If this is an insured price, please include the price billed to your insurance (not what you paid after insurance).
Cash Price or Insurance
Cash price or Out-of-pocket prices are often lower than the prices billed to insurance.   If this is an insured price, please include the price billed to your insurance (not what you paid).  Insurance policies, copays, coinsurance, deductibles, etc. will influence what you actually owe in an insurance pay situation.  That won't be consistent person to person and that won't even be consistent for the same person over time.
Pharmacy Details
Phone number, website, etc.
Notes or Comments
Did you use a discount, coupon, or some additional means of bringing the price down?
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