Request an OCAT Speaker
The Oklahoma Coalition Against Human Trafficking has a Speaker's Bureau available to present on numerous topics related to Human Trafficking. Please complete this form to request a speaker.

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Your name *
Your telephone number *
Your email address *
Details about the event. Please include the type of event, date, times, location.  *
How many people do you expect?  *
I would like to request:   *
What type of technology is available for speaker use? (i.e. audio/video equipment, zoom access, etc.) *
Audience (select all that apply) *
Is there something specific you want to cover related to HT (select all that apply)? *
Some of our speakers have speaker's fees and/or require mileage reimbursement to travel. Would this be a barrier for you and/or your agency? 

This just helps us narrow down what speakers might be a good fit for your request.
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Will your agency be applying for/providing any type of continuing education to attendees?

If so, what kind (i.e. LPC, CLEET, etc.) and do you need a speaker with specific credentials to meet these requirements?
Any additional information we need to know prior to scheduling?
Date you need confirmation of the presenter by?

In order to provide enough time for scheduling, a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice is requested. Any request received with less than a 2 weeks notice cannot be guaranteed due to speaker availability.
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