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Free Now Foundation New Lawsuit - Medical Exemption/CAIR-ME Plaintiff Questionnaire
Please fill this out if you have taken any steps to obtain a medical exemption for school attendance for your child in California schools.
If you have more than one child for whom you've sought a medical exemption, please fill this form out once for each child.
If you have used the new process, the federal waiver, please copy and paste this link into a new tab on your browser, and fill out this form instead:
Free Now Foundation is seeking plaintiffs to be considered for our new lawsuit.
All information will be kept confidential with the Free Now team and attorneys. We will get back to you if you fit the criteria! Thank you for your interest.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Your First Name
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Your Last Name
Your answer
Age of Child for Whom You Are Answering
Your answer
Best Phone Number to Reach You
Your answer
Have you tried to get a medical exemption from vaccination for your child to attend school in California? (Answers are confidential.)
No, we are seeking a Federal Waiver
Would you be willing to be the plaintiff on a medical exemptions lawsuit filed in California?
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If you have tried to get a medical exemption from a K-12 school in California, was it for a public or private school?
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