SDALL Scholarship Application
South Dakota Association for Lifelong Learning (SDALL) Scholarships are for active SDALL members and intended to assist in funding professional development opportunities including state, regional, and national conferences and workshops, distance learning courses, and college courses that will advance the professional standing of SDALL practitioners.
1. Only programs and individuals with current SDALL membership are eligible to apply.
2. SDALL Members must have been in good standing for a minimum of two consecutive years.
3. The Scholarship Committee makes funding recommendations to the SDALL Board.
4. The Scholarship Committee will give funding priority to the programs or individuals that have quality applications and have not received a scholarship in the previous fiscal year.
5. The board reserves the right to make exceptions to the priority of funding guidelines based on applications received.
6. The amount of funds available for distribution and the number of eligible applications received will determine the amount awarded. Programs and individuals will receive payment for scholarship awarded once documentation the board has received documentation of expenses. Scholarship recipients must submit an invoice and accompanying receipts to SDALL within 30 days of completion of the course or conference.