Education Committee Application
Please read the Education Committee - Membership Expectations before completing the application. 

**Answering "No" to any of the questions below does not automatically disqualify you! We want to know your experience level.**
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Email *
What is your name? *
I agree to abide by the commitments laid out in the "Education Committee - Membership Expectations" document. *
How did you hear about this committee? *
How long have you been a mortgage originator?
Do you have an area of expertise?
If you answered "Yes" on the previous question, please list your areas(s) of expertise. 

If "No", continue to the next question. 
Have you trained others, taught a class, created training content/materials, or hosted a webinar in the past?
If you answered "Yes" on the previous question, please include the topic(s) covered and the medium (webinar, in-person...). 

If "No", continue to the next question. 
Have you ever reviewed someone else’s training content/material?
If you have used AIME Academy in the past, please provide us with one or more suggestions to improve AIME Academy and/or the course(s) you’ve participated in.
If not, please think of a recent training you participated in and provide one suggestion for an improvement to that training.
Are you a current AIME Member?
What days/times typically work best for you to meet on a regular basis? Please select all that apply. Times listed are based on Eastern time.
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
What time zone are you in? *
How many hours per week/month can you commit to AIME to serve the Education committee?
Do you know of anyone else that could make a good Education Committee member? If yes, please provide their name and email below.
Why is education important to you?
Please enter a tip related to the mortgage industry that you believe is important for everyone to know. Explain the information as if you were talking to a new member of the industry and explain why it is important for them to know this information.
You can see an example of what we're looking for here
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