Become a Planners Network "University Rep"!
Are you based at a college or university and interested in supporting progressive planning on campus? Would you like to connect with other educators around progressive planning curriculum / education, share resources and build a network of peer support and collaboration across campuses?

OVERVIEW: A University Rep is an important point of contact and link between the university community (students, faculty and staff) and Planners Network more broadly. University Reps can be faculty, staff or current students. Preference is given to faculty or staff members, as they typically stay at a university longer, but anybody who is interested and can fulfill the responsibilities is welcome!

The key responsibilities include:

+ Being listed on the PN website as a contact person for your university
+ Sharing PN news and announcements through your university communication networks
+ Introducing new / interested university members to PN and Progressive City magazine, for example through an annual informational event for new students
+ Sharing announcements about your university’s relevant events and news with PN
+ Joining a PN university rep listserv and google drive to share resources/ideas/support as a peer network across campuses
+ Assisting PN in finding a new University rep when you can no longer fulfill your role

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What's your name?
What university / college are you affiliated with?
What's your position / relationship to the university?
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Have you been connected to Planners Network in the past and/or why are you interested in becoming a PN university rep?
Do you believe you could fulfill the responsibilities of the university rep? (see intro description for a reminder!)
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Would you like to learn more before joining? Let us know if you're interested in chatting individually or joining a group info session!
Would you be interested in participating in a Planners Network university rep / critical education focused listserv and shared google drive as well as possible events/discussions/etc? The idea would be to share events/questions/resources/etc and help grow a peer network of critical educators across campuses
I'd prefer more limited participation of semi-regular updates from PN
I'd like to actively participate in the peer network (listserv, google drive, events)
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What other resources / support / opportunities would be helpful from PN or peers, etc?
Any other questions, ideas or suggestions? Let us know!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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