Energy Ventures Idea Submission

The Energy Ventures Practicum is a cross disciplinary graduate course intended to teach graduate students at UT Austin how to launch new innovations in the energy sector. The course is the result of a collaboration with several departments on campus including McCombs School of Business, the Energy Institute, Cockrell School of Engineering and KBH Center for Energy. 

Objectives of the class are to provide a framework for commercializing innovations in the energy sector, and the tools that entrepreneurs need to frame and build businesses for this purpose. Students in the course will learn how to assess new technologies; how to target new opportunities; and how to understand and leverage policy in the Energy sector. 

Students in the Energy Ventures Practicum will work on developing and commercializing new technologies, business models and services in the energy industry. Texas Venture Labs currently is accepting ideas from innovators in academia and industry that potentially can be explored in the Energy Ventures Practicum.

If your idea is selected for consideration in the Energy Ventures Practicum, TVL staff will reach out to you to discuss next steps.

Please email us at with any questions.

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Please tell us about the idea you would like to submit for development in the Energy Ventures Practicum. *
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