Registration for WYSC Benefit (5 November 2016)
If registering 5 for the price of 4, please enter all names, separated by commas, below -- a single contact number will be fine in that case.
Date: 5 November 2016
Time: 10.00am-7.00pm (end-time subject to change)
Venue: *SCAPE Level 4, (Hubquarters, formerly known as The Colony)
Registration Fees (GST INCLUSIVE):
$15 for non-members
$10 for SA members
$5 for youths (under 18 at time of participation)
Get your friends to join too! Register 5 names and pay the price of 4. Available for per tournament registration only. Open to participants from a COMMON organization. Eg. School, Company. If registering 5 for the price of 4, please enter all names, separated by commas, below -- a single contact number will be fine in that case.
Prizes: Gain/Lose rating points :) No monetary prizes.
This tournament is open to all players, including youths.