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Whip your Website Discovery
Time to complete: approx. 10 minutes
Here are the questions I need you to answer, so I have a good base to start reviewing your website and running it through my checks and balances. If you have any questions for me, just send them along!! I may have some follow up questions after these…
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* Indicates required question
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Website to Review (url)
Your answer
Pages to Review
List the names of the 5 pages you want reviewed
Your answer
List the 3 Apex Customers you want to attract and Why
Your answer
List the top 3 problems each Apex Customer is trying to solve
IE: C-suite executive wants to get promoted to the corner office, but isn’t sure how to get noticed by the boss, and already works too many hours in a day
Your answer
What is the most important thing driving each of goals/problems listed?
IE: C-suite wants the corner office so he gets a personal assistant, and therefore can spend more time with his kids.
Your answer
What other things have your Apex Customers tried in the past to achieve their goals?
Your answer
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