Elana K. Arnold's Revision Season Scholarship
Revision Season is a seven-week, virtual master class in novel revision led by award-winning author Elana K. Arnold. Elana is kindly offering 5 scholarships for marginalized writers for the next Revision Season, which will run from January 10th to March 7th, 2021.

Revision Season is best suited for people who have completed or have nearly completed the first draft of a novel in any genre or age category, from middle grade through adult. Memoirists and verse novelists are also welcome.
Name *
Email *
How do you identify? You may check all that apply. (We understand that identity is a fluid concept and ask you to assist us in tracking representation. We recognize all diverse experiences, including but not limited to LGBTQIA, Native, people of color, gender diversity, people with disabilities, and underrepresented ethnicities, cultures, and religions.) *
1 point
What is your book's genre and age category? (Ex. MG contemporary, YA historical, Adult memoir, etc.) *
1 point
Is your manuscript completed or nearly completed? *
Why would you like to participate in Revision Season? *
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