Parents - Please Join Us!
Yes, we need your support!  Yes, you are a valuable link to our program!  Yes, you should find ways to get engaged with your child's high school years.  Your engagement can contribute to the success of their high school career.  Your talents and relationships that you have within the business community can be so beneficial to our efforts in building a strong and unique high school program. It is the partnerships that we build that make Crooms a unique high school program for our students and teachers.

Get started by completing the survey below and join our team.  Let's work together to make this the best experience for your child.  Thank you in advance for considering this request to participate.

For more information on any of the following activities, please contact Erin Millwater 407-320-5749 or emai
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Parent Name *
Student Name *
Company You Work With: *
Title: *
Contact Information
Please indicate the best way to reach you by providing your contact information
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Opportunities where your support is requested:
Please answer the following questions regarding the different ways you can get connected.
Are you interested in participating on the Crooms Business Advisory Council (BAC)?
Business partners providing opportunities for students to prepare for the workplace and life.  The dates for our meetings are set a year in advance. We meet virtually.  We meet Aug., Oct., Jan. April, and May.  Visit for more information.  Please join us as a business partner at our council sessions this year.
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Would you be interested in:
Be a speaker on Teach In Day- please specify your topic of interest.  
2nd Tuesday of November every year
Would you be interested in participating at TechFest?  A signature high school IT conference hosted by the BAC-Business Advisory Council.
Go to for more information. Speakers and sponsors are needed.
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Thank you for taking the time to connect and support Crooms!
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