Access Engineering: Fall 2024 Application
Welcome to the Access Engineering Fall 2024 student admission application!

The DEADLINE for this application is Sunday, September 29th at 𝟏𝟏:𝟓𝟗 𝐏𝐌. 

If you have any questions, email us at or visit our website at

Please provide us with YOUR most up-to-date and correct email address and phone number so that we can contact you!


Lessons are held every Saturday from 10 AM - 1:30 PM with a lunch break. The fall session starts on October 12th and ends on November 23rd. Sessions are held on Penn's campus, and lunch will be provided. We offer SEPTA keys for the commute to and from Penn's campus but cannot offer any additional aid for transportation ($2.50 per ride, $5.00 per day).

Info Session:
Additionally, we will be holding two virtual information sessions for any parents, students, or teachers interested in learning more before the application is due. These will be on Friday, September 20 at 7pm and Saturday, September 21 at 11am. If you, or anyone you know, is interested in attending these sessions, sign up using this link.

Thank you so much for applying! This program would be nothing without students like you!
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Please read and agree before continuing
Access Engineering is a service-based organization centered on providing free access to hands-on and introductory engineering lessons. All of our undergraduate student members are dedicated to providing a safe and productive learning environment for students with a genuine interest in engineering and community-engagement.

Please recognize that each acceptance represents one less acceptance for another applicant. Therefore it is important that you only apply if you anticipate attending the vast majority of lessons.

By selecting "I understand," you acknowledge that should you be accepted, you will ensure continued attendance throughout the semester, or inform Access Engineering of inability to attend the program in a timely and proactive manner.

Agreement *
First name *
Last name *
What is your personal email address? *
You MUST input your correct email address and develop a habit of checking your email often. This will be our means of communicating your application status, acceptance to the program, and information throughout the semester.
What is your personal phone number? *
What is your parent or legal guardian's email address and name?
All communication of program logistics and information will be sent to your personal email. If opted in, your parent/guardian can also receive emails.
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Parent/Guardian opt-in for emails
What school do you currently attend? *
If other, what is the school name:
What year of high school are you currently enrolled in? *
How did you hear about our organization? *
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