Louisiana Considered Listener Survey
Louisiana Considered is a daily radio show dedicated to bringing you in-depth news and lively conversations about the stories that matter most to South Louisiana. But we also want to hear from you! What do you love about the show? What do you not love about the show? We are always working to make the show better and stronger, and we are hoping our listeners can help us do that.
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Name *
Email *
Do you find the majority of Louisiana Considered stories to be informative and interesting? *
1 point
Do you find the majority of guests on Louisiana Considered to be engaging talkers? *
1 point
Do you think Louisiana is successful in including diverse voices and perspectives? *
Do you find our stories to cover a diverse range of interests and topics from across the state? *
Do you find our hosts to be compelling conversationalists? *
What are your favorite subject matters on our show? Check all that apply *
What do you think is the strongest aspect of our show? *
What do you think is the weakest aspect of our show? *
What would you like to hear more of? This could include topics, voices, and styles of communication. *
What would you like to hear less of? This could include topics, voices, and styles of communication. *
What is the number one thing we can do to make our show better? *
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