Gleaners Home Delivery Program
Our home delivery program is at capacity, and we are not accepting any new clients at this time. If you have received a delivery since December 1, 2024 and would like to request another delivery, or if you need assistance with a scheduled delivery, please call us at 317-742-9111 and leave a voicemail.

If you have not received a delivery since December 1, we are not able to schedule a delivery. Here are additional resources that are available:

Visit to find pantries and food distributions near you.

Call 211 or visit for assistance with a variety of needs, including food.

Download the Community Compass app to find food resources near you.
Links to download Community Compass:
For Android Phones:
For iPhones:

Contact our Outreach Team at 317-644-1280 for assistance with SNAP, Medicaid, or TANF applications, or to apply for heating assistance through the Low Income Heating Assistance Program.
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