Lemon Bay High School National Honor Society Application
Congratulations on your invitation to apply for the Lemon Bay High School Chapter of the National Honor Society! The sponsor name next to your name has been assigned to assist you with your application, I highly recommend that you meet with them in regards to your leadership roles prior to you completing your online application. One “bonus” point will be added to those students who meet with their mentor prior to submitting their application. It is your responsibility to set up a time to meet with your sponsor before or after school.

Please read the directions below carefully so that you can be sure to complete the application correctly and completely. Once you have submitted the online application, please complete the leadership signature page with signatures from club and/or organization sponsors. This form must be turned in to Mr. Coughlan even if you have no leadership roles.
Please note that late or incomplete applications will not be considered by the committee.

The LBHS NHS Selection Committee considers the following candidate attributes, please see the attached Rubric:

1. Leadership Roles
2. Student Involvement
3. Application Letter
4. Overall Grade Point Average
5. Community Service Hours
6. Teacher Feedback on Student Leadership and Character
7. Student Discipline Record

The first three of these components (leadership roles, student involvement, and application letter) are to be completed as parts of the online application. The last four components (GPA, community service, teacher feedback, and discipline record) require no action on your part, though you are free to comment on these components in your application letter.

1. Leadership Roles
Please use the following descriptions and examples of acceptable leadership roles. (This list may not be all-inclusive, please see mentor if your club is not listed).

President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer Positions* of the following organizations:
Art Club
Book Club
Chess Club
Creative Writing
Culinary Club
Dance Club
English National Honor Society
Environmental Club
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior Class
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Interact Club
Key Club
Manta Maniacs
Marine Conservation
Math Club
Mock Trial
Model United Nations
Science National Honor Society
Spanish Club
Spanish National Honor Society
Thespian Troupe
Think Pink
Technical Student Association
Women’s Empowerment
*co-officer positions will not be considered as meeting the leadership role requirements.

Being voted into the following organizations:
Academic Integrity 
Chik-Fil-A Leadership Academy 
Student Government Representative
Manta Mentor

The following Positions in Band:
Drum Major
First Chair of a section with at least three members

Unit Officers in NJROTC

Captain of a Varsity Sport

Leadership positions outside of Lemon Bay High School

Leadership roles in other campus organizations may be considered at the discretion of the Selection Committee. To be considered, a student must provide sufficient explanation, appropriate signature(s), and clear evidence of their role as a leader in a given capacity.

For all leadership examples, students must provide a thorough description of how they demonstrated leadership in that role. Each individual role and description must be signed by the adult sponsor or supervisor for that organization.

2. Student Involvement

On the application, students are to identify ALL clubs, sports, and organizations in which they held active membership in good standing and in which years this membership occurred. Non-membership extra-curricular activities can also be included along with appropriate years of participation such as Lip Sync, Clash of the Classes, and Theatre productions. Do not include community service hours in this section. Each of these memberships or activities must have occurred after your last day of eighth grade. Students selected for entrance into NHS are expected to have a wide range of involvement both on and off the LBHS campus. Please provide a brief description for each organization or activity explaining why you found it important, rewarding, and/or enjoyable.

3. Application Letter

Applicants to LBHS NHS must submit a single page, typed letter (12 point font, Times New Roman, minimum 300 words) included in their online application. This letter should be in letter format and addressed to the NHS Selection Committee explaining why the applicant desires membership. This letter should not be a simple restatement of the other information in the application, and it should not read like a resume. It should provide additional insight into why the applicant specifically seeks to become a part of the organization as well as provide other information that the committee may not otherwise know about you. All applicants MUST address any discipline incidents that may be on the student’s record. Applicants with any referrals for cheating that fail to address the incident in their application letter, in detail, will not be considered.

**It is highly recommended that you type out your 1-page application letter in Microsoft Word and paste it into the Application Letter section.**

Please see the Purdue Online Writing Lab for proper business letter format: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/professional_technical_writing/basic_business_letters/index.html .
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