Cooley Family Mastiffs New Puppy Application
Information questionnaire
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Email *
Name *
Address *
Phone number *
Vets Information *
Have you ever owned a bullmastiff *
Please list other pets in the home *
Do you have children in the home or who frequent the home? *
What is your plan for training your puppy? *
Do you agree to take your new puppy to your veterinarian in the first 72 hours and provide ongoing care? *
Feeding your puppy a high quality diet is important and can also be expensive. Your puppy may grow to 6+ cups of food a day. Do you agree to provide your puppy a high quality diet? *
Will your puppy be an inside dog? *
What will the plan be for your puppy during the workday? *
Do you own or rent your home? *
If you rent please include a copy of your lease or permission for a dog of this size.
Do you agree to provide the best home, attention and love to your puppy into adulthood. If for any reason the partnership does not agree you will contact the breeder before rejoining your puppy. *
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