Use of the Beth Israel Mikvah
Thank you so much for your interest in using the Beth Israel mikvah of Waterville, ME! Filling out and submitting this form will enable you to schedule your immersion. Please give us up to 2 business day to process your request. If you belong to one of our partner organizations (listed below), your use of the mikvah is fully subsidized. If not, you are welcome to join any of these organizations, or pay a one-time $250 usage fee. Checks can be made out to Beth Israel Congregation, or you can find us online at If you are moved to make an additional contribution, please know that is is much appreciated and will be put exclusively towards the upkeep of the mikvah. 

If you are scheduling a conversion, you must include information about when you would like the beit din to begin. 

Important things to know:
  1. You must have an approved appointment to use the mikvah.
  2. You must bring your own towels.
  3. Family and friends are welcome to join you and wait in our adjoining Family Room. 

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Email *
Your name: *
A phone number at which we can reach you: *
The date and time you would like to use the mikvah (please list AT MINIMUM one alternate date):  *
Are you a member of any of our partner organizations? If so, please check off any/all relevant. We will confirm with the organization, and your use of the mikvah will be free, fully subsidized by your organization. *
Do you need a mikvah guide, or will you be bringing one from your organization? (Please note that if you are immersing for a conversion, your rabbi does not count as a mikvah guide.) *
Is this immersion part of a conversion? We encourage the convening rabbi to fill out this form.
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I assert that I will not use the mikvah for non-Jewish religious rituals. *
I agree to have a chaperone for safety purposes *
I understand that photography is not permitted inside the mikvah room (the adjacent family room is fine). *
I agree to abide by all listed safety protocols provided to me or posted in the mikvah. *
Is there anything else we should know?
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