Donations of Services and Volunteer Hours
Gifts to 502 Dragon Boat Community are tax-deductible. This includes volunteer hours and services donated to our organization. All in-kind contributions must be reported by the individual or organization donating services and hours, not our organization.

What count as volunteer hours? Your service to our paddling community and 502 Dragons! This can be committee and board meetings, time spent prepping the boat for paddling or cleaning up afterward, time spent training as a steer or coach, time spent getting First Aid certified, volunteering to prepare for special events, etc.

What count as services? Basically, any specialized service we'd otherwise need to pay someone to do! Social media/marketing time, catering, book-keeping, record-keeping, etc. are all services members provide as volunteers to keep our overhead down!

Please complete the following form for our records and for your own tax purposes. You will receive a copy of your completed donation form for your records when you submit the information to us!

Thank you for supporting our mission! If you have any questions, please reach out to us at
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Email *
Service Performed *
Please record what activity you participated in as a volunteer or the service you donated to 502 Dragon Boat Community.
Location of Service *
Total Hours Worked *
Date of Service *
Please provide the date the goods or facilities were donated, month/date/year. If you provided the service over multiple days, please record the last day of the time period when the service was provided and then answer the next question!
If service was performed over multiple days, please list the time frame here.
For example: donated accounting services for June 2021 (June 1-30, 2021)
Fair Market Value of Service *
Please calculate a fair market value for your service and explain what the rate is based on. For example: my normal charge per hour is $15 x 10 hours donated = $150.00
Volunteer's Name *
Please enter your full name.  
Volunteer's Phone Number *
Please enter the best phone number at which to reach you if we have questions about your information.
Please enter your mailing address (Street address, City, State, ZIP)
Thank you for supporting the work of 502 Dragon Boat Community! Contributions to 502 Dragon Boat Community, a 501(c)(3) organization, are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.  No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution. 502 Dragon Boat Community’s tax ID number is 85-2029721
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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