MTA Station Friends Group Application
Thank you for your interest in joining a MTA Station Friends Group in your neighborhood. We’re convening a diverse group of local stakeholders to meet with the MTA periodically for a station walk-thru and hold quarterly meetings to discuss conditions and ensure accountability. We’ll be accepting applications through Friday, March 17.  

The stations where we will be piloting this effort are:
  • Bedford Ave L (deadline extended)
  • Nassau Ave G (deadline extended)
  • High Street Brooklyn Bridge A/C
  • Borough Hall 2/3/4/5/N/R
  • Lawrence St / Jay Street - Metro Tech - A/C/F/R
Each Station Friends Group will be limited to 20 individual stakeholders to ensure we have a manageable number of people for station visits with MTA.
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First Name
Last Name
Phone Number *
Email *
Street Address
Zip Code *
I would like to join a Friends Group for this MTA Station: *
Please share a few sentences about why you would like to join the MTA Station Friends Group in your neighborhood and your connection to this station. Please also include your interest in public transportation advocacy. No prior experience is at all necessary, but we encourage you to share anything you think is relevant.
Can you attend a zoom orientation meeting on one of these dates? *
Demographic Information
Please help us ensure that a diverse group of local stakeholders become engaged in each group by sharing some basic demographic information about yourself. Please answer the questions in reference to the station you indicated above.
What is your age? *
Do you have children that regularly use this station? *
How often to do you use this subway station? *
Do you have a disability or mobility issues that affect your ability to navigate public transportation?
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I identify as: *
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