Twin Peaks Gaming 18+ Application
We are an adult gaming community and we expect an application if you wish to be a part of the group.
Why do you want to join the Twin Peaks Gaming Community? *
Please write more than one sentence
How did you hear about us? *
If Member Referral what is that Members name?
What is your Minecraft name? (If Applicable.)
If you are interested in playing on our minecraft servers.
What is your Steam ID? (If Applicable.) In one of the following formats please. (STEAM_0:0:1999734, 76561197964265196 or
If you are interested in playing on our steam servers.
What is your Discord Username? *
If you are interested in using discord to communicate with us.
What year were you born in? *
What games(s) will you be playing with us? *
Have you ever been banned from any server or community before? (includes steam) *
If we find a ban that you have not told us about, this may reflect negatively on your chances of being apart of the community.
If Yes, please list the reasons behind being banned from said server(s):
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