Mindfulness and Health Institute: Information  Sessions
Please complete the form below to register for our upcoming information session. Thank you

If you're having trouble converting the Info Session times into your timezone, please use the following link: https://dateful.com/time-zone-converter

Our FAQ section on the website may also be helpful: https://mindfulnessandhealthinstitute.org/support-faqs 

Note: You are able to submit this form using any email address. Signing in to Google is NOT a requirement to complete this form.
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Email *
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First Name *
Last Name *
Please check the date(s) you plan to attend. *
Which program(s) are you interested in? Check all that apply. *
Do you have any specific questions you would like answered?
How did you hear about this Info Session?
Please acknowledge that you understand that this is an online session on Zoom and that you will be sent a Zoom link a few days before the Information Session.   *
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