Individuals & Families Form
The information provided is used for official qualification purposes .
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By Checking the box you are consenting that all of the information provided may be collected, used, shared,
and retained for the purposes of applying for and/or receiving the Zakat and Sadaqat .
First Name  *
Last Name *
Gender *
  Address (Please include Street Name, City, Zip-code)  
Phone Number with area code 

Email address 
Employment Status
Marital Status
Spouse first  name 
Spouse last name 
Is your spouse currently employed? 
 Health Insurance
Means of Transportation
Type of Residence
Please check all members living in your household. 
What is total household monthly income ? 
Please check any of the following aid you have received within the last calendar year.
Total household monthly expenses ? (rent, grocery, utilities, phone, insurance , etc. 
Have you received any financial assistance from  Memphis Islamic Center (MIC) ?

Have you received any financial assistance from other masjid /organization ?
Please list two local reference with full  name and phone number . 

Do you give permission for Zakat & Sadaqa Member to contact your references ?  *
Please describe reason(s)for which financial assistance is sought. State the reason(s)you are in need.  How this assistance from the MIC fund will meet your needs ?
Amount requested
I testify in front of Allah that the application information provided on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. *
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