Tipping Etiquette for 2023
If you work in a job where tips are involved (think: restaurants and bars, rideshare and delivery driving, babysitting, beauty and styling, and more), tell us the tipping do's, don'ts, and general "rules" for customers to abide by when it's time for them to pay up and figure out gratuity.

The more specific you can get, the better — whether you're clarifying what's expected tip-wise in common scenarios or just laying the ground rules for tipping respectfully in your line of work.
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Tell us the tipping "rules" people should abide by in your line of work. Make sure you tell us what your job is, including any pertinent details about the establishment you work in if it helps to clarify your perspective. *
Optional: How many years have you worked in your industry?
Optional: If you're willing to share your age and location, please list below. (You can also share your first name, if you'd like, but no pressure!)
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