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Under fatigue stresses, which one of the following joint fails earlier?
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In a roof truss a member normally acting as tension member but occasionally subjected to compression due to wind load, slenderness ratio should not exceed
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The flow is known as uniform if ______ is same at any instant.
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In Reynolds equation
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The loss of head per unit length of creep is called
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Figure shows grain size distribution of soils. Curve C₃-C₃ corresponds to
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The apparatus that is suitable for conducting drained, undrained and consolidated drained shear test is
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The yield of a rapid sand filter is ______ times that of slow sand filter.
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High turbidity of water can be determined by
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Which one of the following is not a warning sign?
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As per announcement by ISRO chief K Sivan, in which year India is planning to launch its own Space Station?
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Choose the correct alternative which can be substituted for the below given word/ sentence. : A person who talks in sleep is called as
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प्रयोग ओळखा-'तो बैल बांधतो ' हे या प्रयोगातील वाक्यहोय.
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Find the missing term in the series : 12,32,72,152,(?),632
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Showing a photograph P said, " She is my mother's mother's son's daughter ". How is the person in the photograph related to P ?
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