10 Tiny Dances - Participant Sign-Up Form
Come lend your dancing talents to the Majestic Theatre for our 2024 production of 10 Tiny Dances!

We are looking for a total of 10 pieces, each lasting somewhere between 3 and 6 minutes.

All choreographers and dancers must be ages 16 and up.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Choreographer *
Title of Piece (or Working Title) *
Music (Song title, Artist) *
How many dancers are in your piece?  *
Names of Dancer(s) Performing
What is the general feeling/idea of your piece? What are your thoughts about and approach to the Broadway song you picked? *
Style/Genre of Dance *
Experience performing on the tiny stage, if any?
What studio space do you have available to you, if any?
Props and Costume Ideas
Tech Notes (Special lighting, Live music etc)
Any other special needs?
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