👋 We're looking for a Copy/Content Writer.
You will be responsible for taking full ownership over social media presence for the clients and us.
And also full ownership over our blog inhouse (currently we don't have one).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
About Us
We are a paid advertising agency.

Niches we are mainly focused on are:
- SaaS
- Dating
- Gambling
- E-commerce
But, not strict.

And we cover:
- Google, Facebook, LinkedIn & Programmatic Media Buying for B2B & B2C

Before we start, can we get your name? *
First and last name
How many years of experience you have in digital marketing field? *
English level *
And how would you rate your copywriting ability? *
Thick the email marketing tools you are familiar with, and have used before. *
What is your salary expectation? *
Do you have experience with running social media pages? If so, please thick the ones below. *
From previous question, can you elaborate what results are you most proud of, and what have you accompished? *
Can you share links to the blog posts that you wrote? *
Can we get the link to your LinkedIn profile, portfolio or CV? *
Thanks for applying.
If you sound like the person we're looking for, we'll let you know within 7 days. Hope to meet you in person soon.
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